Sustainability Performance and Investment Strategies

11-20-15 | Uncategorized

Get ahead and integrate sustainability performance into your investment strategies and decision-making!

According to a recent article from Corporate Knights, the number of investors that are doing exactly that are on the rise. There is a United Nations-supported network known as Principles for Responsible Investment, and its signatories have increased by more than 1200% from 100 signatories to over 1000 in the last decade.

green investment

What has driven such a dramatic increase? Here are three big reasons:

  • higher societal expectations of important financial institutions;
  • greater awareness of sound risk management;
  • and the ever-growing evidence of that sustainability-focused investments yields superior returns, while being good for our planet.

Integrating sustainability into your investment and growth plans can boost your returns. What we need now to make this a common practice is transparency and data. The data is growing with GHGs and carbon being the most tracked sustainability indicators of investment portfolios. However, there is still room for improvement.

Until then, take charge of your investments and propel you and your business into the future by bringing sustainability to the fore.

Read more about investing sustainably here: