CEOs and Mayors for Climate!

CEOs and Mayors for Climate!

It’s time to join forces to make big changes! Change can be accomplished by anyone. Whether you are an individual, a family, a corporation or a governing body of a city, positive change for the environment by varying degrees can be achieved. However, the time...

Do You Know Your Impact?

We’re shining the spotlight on carbon footprints and the typical numbers produced by the average American household… Each and every person has a carbon footprint. When we start adding things together, we can get the estimates of the carbon footprint of one...
5 Ways to Stop Energy Vampires

5 Ways to Stop Energy Vampires

Don’t let these appliances and devices waste your money or contribute to the carbon pollution! We’ve talked about energy vampires before, but do you know how much they can cost you? Our home’s gadgets, from our microwaves and toasters to computers...
Achieve Harmony with the Harmonizer

Achieve Harmony with the Harmonizer

It’s time to harmonize our energy needs with sustainability and renewable resources… When we say “achieve harmony” we’re not talking about personal meditation and ohms. We want to start bringing that kind of harmony beyond the the...
Achieve Harmony with the Harmonizer

Happy Earth Day!

We’re taking a look at some amazing trivia and facts for Earth Day! Today is the day we celebrate our planet. You may have noticed the Google Doodle features our stunning planet and some of the amazing creatures it provides life to in the letters. Although a...