Why Coal Companies Are Collapsing

Why Coal Companies Are Collapsing

What’s up with the coal industry? Not much! Read on for a podcast that takes a look at the “spectacular collapse of the coal industry…” It’s an interesting time in the energy industry. We’re seeing big changes. Renewable power...

200th U.S. Coal Plant to Close

Nearly 40% of coal plants in the United States have retired since 2010. On July 15th, the Sierra Club announced that their Beyond Coal Campaign had successfully assisted in the retirement of the 200th coal plant in the United States. The number 200 is significant, as...

The Carbon Footprint of the Internet

We’ve talked about our carbon footprints before. Much of our everyday lives contribute to our personal carbon footprints. Whether you are making your morning cup of coffee or hopping on a bus to work, every little thing we do can make a difference to the size of...
Why Coal Companies Are Collapsing

Waste to Watts

Powering our lives with plastic! Plastic is everywhere. It’s in our clothes, furniture, toys, shopping bags, tools, gadgets, packaging… you name it and plastic will probably be there. Try as we might to recycle and minimize our plastic use, plastic still...
Climate Change and Unemployment?

Climate Change and Unemployment?

Could climate change affect the number of jobs in the future? There’s no doubt that climate change is happening. Perhaps it is less drastic than some thought and perhaps it is worse than others anticipated. Many people who talk of climate change generally agree...