Going Green Starts at Home

09-10-14 | Save Power

Knowledge is power and a money saver!

Here are 6 ways to bring energy conservation and money savvy home…

bulb-216975_640Although Legend Power is here to specifically enable commercial buildings to become more energy efficient and green with our Harmonizer, we fully support the green lifestyle in every avenue of life. Just as important as conserving energy on a commercial scale and saving money, is saving energy and money on an individual level.

Here are six tips to conserve electrical energy and save money on your bills at home!

  • Phantom loads account for a large portion of a home’s energy consumption. A phantom load refers to the energy consumed by devices while they are not in use or turned on. Minimize phantom loads by unplugging any appliances or electronic items when they are not in use or by having them connected to a power bar that can be switched off.
  • Opt for more energy efficient appliances. These appliances are made to consume energy more efficiently and although they may cost more than the average appliance at the check out, they will save you money in the long run.
  • Switch to more efficient lighting. Choosing energy-efficient light bulbs can decrease your energy usage by up to 75 per cent, which translates to dollars saved on your energy bill!
  • If possible, install an programmable thermostat so you can set your home’s temperature according to your schedule. Limiting the heat or cooling system to when you are present can save you up to 15 per cent on your bill. Go one step further and skip the air conditioning and opt for using fans to keep cool. Fans require much less energy than an air conditioner.
  • Give your home a green makeover! Improve the insulation, seal air leaks and make your windows more efficient. These adjustments could save you up to ten per cent annually!
  • Conserve water. Reduce the length of your showers and take advantage of cold water detergents. Using less water will mean less money spent on electricity to heat up the water in your home.

Bonus Tip: Go outside, relax and get gardening. Shielding your home from direct sun with plants and trees can help you insulate your home and save money.

(Image via Pixabay)