Participate in IESO’s Voltage Reduction Testing and discover the opportunity of energy conservation.

Every 18 months for over the past 20 years, the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) performs voltage reduction tests of three and five percent within the province of Ontario. This is done in order to measure the load reduction that would occur if emergency steps needed to be taken of three and five percent reductions.

Voltage reduction testing is important for multiple reasons, with the main one concerning the prevention or mitigation of electricity blackouts. Other reasons include enabling buildings to identify equipment issues, and to determine the amount of power that can be successfully reduced without disruption.

The previous voltage reduction test, which occurred in July 2013, achieved a decrease in primary demand of 270 MW with the three percent reduction, and 410 MW decreased primary demand with the five percent voltage reduction.


Despite the implementation of the voltage reduction during these tests, consumers that participate in the voltage reduction exercises often do not experience any difference in their day-to-day energy use. This is due to the reduction tests being within established industry standards for electrical equipment used by residential, commercial and industrial buildings. As a result, consumers that participate in IESO’s voltage reduction tests are given the opportunity to see how efficiently their buildings can operate on reduced voltage, showcasing the opportunity to conserve energy, save money, and reduce emissions, all without disruption.

Visit IESO’s website for more information and discover how you can participate in their Voltage Reduction Tests.

Learn more about how Legend Power Systems can enable your building to reduce its voltage throughout the year by reading Voltage Reduction and Energy Conservation.

(Image via Pixabay)