30×30 Nature Challenge

04-29-15 | Industry News & Events

Nature is calling all Canadians to the outdoors!

Accept the David Suzuki Foundation’s challenge and spend 30 minutes outside for 30 days throughout May.

During the month of May, the David Suzuki Foundation is challenging Canadians, and the world over, to answer the call of nature and spend 30 minutes in the great outdoors every day for 30 days. Citing benefits such as being happier, healthier, less stressed and smarter, the 30×30 Nature Challenge is an annual challenge put forth by the David Suzuki Foundation each spring. Anyone can sign up, from individuals, to entire workplaces, to school classrooms. Last year, over 15,000 people officially registered for the challenge.

If you are interested in joining the challenge this year, you can take part by simply spending 30 minutes or more in nature each day for 30 days. However, if you would like to make it official, you can register to join the 30×30 Nature Challenge by visiting: 30×30.davidsuzuki.org. Those taking part in the challenge are also encouraged to share their stories and photos with the online community by using the hashtag #NatureIsCalling.

For ideas on how to make the most of your 30 minutes in nature each day, visit the Daily Tips section of the 30×30 website.

Learn more about the 30×30 Nature Challenge in the below video from the David Suzuki Foundation.

Nature provides us with many wonderful benefits, which why it’s important to Legend Power to support the environment in return. Learn more about how the Harmonizer assists with reducing commercial building’s greenhouse gas emissions.