How efficient is your server room?

Understand what you’re paying for when it comes to your building’s electrical bill.


Do you know which part of your building is consuming the greater part of its energy use? It may come as a shock to learn that possibly up to 50% of your building’s electrical bill is coming from your server room, the room that is committed to continuously running computer servers.

In a report released last month by the Natural Resources Defense Council, it was proposed that United States businesses could potentially save over $3 billion every year if server rooms were to reduce their current energy waste by 40%. The report also stated that up to 30% of server machines are currently not being used or are no longer required; some machines are operating at between 0% and 18% of their capacity. Unfortunately, despite not running at full capacity, these machines are still consuming mass amounts of energy, creating unnecessary costs and waste.

What Can You Do?

Right about now, you may be wondering how you can fix this issue. While there is no quick and easy fix, there are definitely steps that you can take towards alleviating some of the unnecessary costs and energy waste.

Audit your server room, or if your building’s servers are housed in a data centre, look into your energy bill, or the breakdown of any flat rates that you may pay. Legend Power can also help by providing an energy review of your building’s energy consumption and installing the Harmonizer to reduce your building’s consumption.

Learn more about how Legend Power can assist with reducing your building’s energy consumption and costs.

(Image via Pixabay)