GreenHab the Office

GreenHab the Office

Cut the carbon footprint of your office with Legend Power and these tips! Cutting the costs of your business, environmentally, socially and economically, does not have to be the impossible goal or the arduous task on your to-do list of strategies. It can actually be...
Additional Benefits of the Harmonizer

Additional Benefits of the Harmonizer

Enjoy peace of mind along with the many other benefits of using energy better with the Harmonizer. With a long list of benefits, Legend Power Systems’ Harmonizer is an innovative technology that helps industrial and commercial building owners save money and the...
Additional Benefits of the Harmonizer

Sustainability’s Value Proposition

Making the case for sustainable initiatives… Boost the value proposition of sustainability to your executive team! We know making a push for sustainability is a topic completely worth adding to the executive meeting agenda. However, in the past it has been a...