Get to Know Legend Power Systems

Get to Know Legend Power Systems

Learn more about Legend Power Systems’ story and the evolution of our innovative technology, the Harmonizer. Legend Power Systems (LPS) is a pioneering energy conservation solution provider, headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. Founded in 2001, LPS completed beta...
Get to Know Legend Power Systems

Our Savings Guarantee

Yes, you read that correctly: we guarantee you savings when you work with Legend Power! We believe there is absolutely no need to compromise effectiveness, reliability or performance in your efforts to gain greater efficiency. How would it be efficient if you had to...
Get to Know Legend Power Systems

Voltage Optimization and Motors

Question: How does voltage optimization effect motors? If you have motors running in your building, you may be asking yourself: how will the Harmonizer and voltage optimization affect their performance?   Answer: If you have smaller motors (less than 20kW), they...