Sustainable Energy for All (Video)

08-07-15 | Industry News & Events, Save Power

Watch the Sustainable Energy for All video, get inspired, and learn how you can support universal sustainable energy.

Earlier this week we shared an infographic that explained the three main objectives of the Sustainable Energy for All (SEFA) initiative. This program has been operational for the past four years, since UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon launched it in 2011. It was launched with the intention of making modern energy services accessible to all, improving global energy efficiency by double, and doubling renewable energy as a resource worldwide. Learn more about these goals and the initiative itself by visiting the Sustainable Energy for All website.

As stated by The World Bank back when SEFA initially launched, achieving the three objectives of SEFA seems a daunting task. However, The World Bank also noted that if the world comes together, these goals are within our collective reach. Watch the video below to learn more about this inspiring initiative and get motivated to take action in support of sustainable energy.

How Legend Power Systems is Supporting SEFA

The Harmonizer is seamlessly integrated into commercial and industrial buildings throughout North America, expanding into other areas of the globe. With our product, Legend Power Systems is proud to be assisting in improving the state of energy efficiency worldwide, which is the second goal put forth by SEFA. The Harmonizer also reduces the amount of energy consumed by a building, simultaneously lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Learn more about the Harmonizer and how it works.