Consequences of Incorrect Voltage

Consequences of Incorrect Voltage

What happens when your incoming voltage is wrong for your actual voltage needs? Legend Power Systems has a goal and it’s all about helping you and your business. With the Harmonizer, our aim is to help you optimize the incoming voltage that powers your business....

Business Leadership on Climate Action

Bring the sustainable drive to world markets and the business level! Making changes at home is a great way to start combatting the attitudes and habits that have spurred on climate change. However, taking the battle against climate change to the next level is a...
Consequences of Incorrect Voltage

Our Global Carbon Footprints

Do you know what our global carbon footprints are? You’ve probably heard the term “carbon footprint.” In fact, you may have even explored your own personal carbon footprint with a carbon footprint calculator. Have you ever explored the global carbon...
Consequences of Incorrect Voltage

Energy Efficiency [Infographic]

How much do you know about energy efficiency? Working with us and retrofitting Legend Power’s Harmonizer in your building’s electrical room does more than just save your business money. Creating more efficiency in your building’s operations can help...