Personal Energy Meter

12-03-14 | Industry News & Events, Save Power

Get to know your carbon footprint with National Geographic’s Personal Energy Meter!

assistance-990332_640We’ve shared many tips and articles about saving energy at home and the importance of conservation. However, it can be difficult to see exactly how much energy we are using and what that translates to on a larger scale. As part of the Great Energy Challenge, National Geographic has created this interesting and, dare we say, fun interactive tool that helps you calculate your carbon footprint based on information specific to your location.

Why is it so important for us to measure our carbon footprints?

Any energy we consume, big or small, contributes to the worlds carbon emissions. In order to begin reducing the amount of pollution we produce as a result of excessive consumption, we need to put on our scientist hats and begin learning about what actions yield more carbon emissions and what can significantly reduce them. Of course, scientists have done this for us and shared many practical tips on how we can save energy and reduce our footprints, but sometimes, we have to see the result for ourselves in order to really appreciate the difference we make by smallest of actions such as turning off a light.

Visit National Geographic’s Personal Energy Meter to learn more about your own footprint!

(Image via Pixabay)