Climate Change and Earth’s Carbon Cycle

02-03-16 | Industry News & Events

Understanding climate change and Earth’s carbon cycle with TED Ed.

As climate change becomes a more prevalent topic in the news, it’s important to have a basic understanding of what it means and, more importantly, how it is affecting our planet. Becoming aware of climate change is vital to the preservation of our environment, and it will allow individuals and communities alike to challenge current climate change myths that have been perpetuated over the years.

A great first step in becoming well informed regarding climate change is by understanding Earth’s carbon cycle, the process by which carbon enters and exits our atmosphere. In recent history, humans have added to the amount of carbon within our atmosphere with a harmful increase of greenhouse gas emissions, which are thought to be the largest contributor to global warming and climate change.

To learn more, watch the below video Climate change: Earth’s giant game of Tetris, presented by TED Ed. It offers an informative and easy to understand overview of climate change and our planet’s carbon cycle.

While the hope is that one day we will live in a carbon neutral world, there are ways that Earth’s population can mitigate the harmful effects of our current greenhouse gas emissions. For example, carbon capture and storage is a viable solution that may assist in the prevention of increased global warming. The same can be said for carbon pricing policies and carbon offsets. Even individual businesses can have a positive impact by employing sustainability initiatives within their company.

Learn more about how Legend Power Systems can assist with your business’ sustainability efforts by helping your building lower its greenhouse gas emissions and reduce its carbon footprint. Visit our Products section for more information.